FROM THE BOOK JACKET: A collection of the year's best science fiction and fantasy short fiction selected by New York Times bestselling author of the Silo series Hugh Howey and series editor John Joseph Adams.

"These are dangerous stories. The kind that warp reality and threaten to change the world" warns guest editor Hugh Howey in his introduction. The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2024 promises a treasure trove of audacious characters, daring worldbuilding, and twisted realties. A sibling duo of supernatural hitmen. A traveling spellbreaker and his trusty alligator mount. Superheroes registering for work. Sentient spaceships with an AI-human interface grow up together with their human pilots. From a Korean folk-tale retelling about the goddess of shamans, to a car, resurrected from obsolescence via automancy, for a road trip from California to Maine, these are stories that, for Howey, "challenged my worldview, that made me exercise new mental muscles, and that brought me to tears."


Visit Hugh Howey Store on AmazonHugh Howey is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Silo Series: Wool, Shift, and Dust; Beacon 23; Sand; Half Way Home; and Machine Learning. His works have been translated into more than forty languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. Adapted from his bestselling sci-fi trilogy, Silo is now streaming on Apple TV+ and Beacon 23 is streaming on MGM+. Howey lives in New York with his wife, Shay.

Visit John Joseph Adams Store on AmazonJohn Joseph Adams is the series editor of The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy and the editor of the Hugo Award-winning Lightspeed, and of more than forty anthologies, including Lost Worlds & Mythological Kingdoms, The Far Reaches, and Out There Screaming (coedited with Jordan Peele).

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